Silent Auction
The annual silent auction, a mainstay of Ice Fest, is online to provide as many people as possible with the opportunity to participate. Items for the silent auction will be featured on the 2nd floor of International Mountain Equipment at 2733 White Mountain Highway in downtown North Conway. This year, we are proud to work with our local crag stewards, Friends of the Ledges!
Demo Gear
Local, national, and international brands bring their latest and greatest to the Mt. Washington Valley Ice Fest so you can try before you buy. This year, these companies will set up their product in a local brewery space so that we can have more elbow and breathing room as you try on gloves, jackets, boots, crampons, a backpack or two, and the tools of the trade.
Clinics & Guided Climbs
If you've never been on belay, or if you don't even know what that means—to advanced mixed climbing and mountaineering clinics—we have something for everyone. Led by professional athletes, certified guides, and seasoned veteran climbers, clinics and guided climbs will help you broaden and develop your climbing skills. Guides hail from around North America and the Northeast region especially. If you don't know what's the best clinics for you, feel free to call!