An accomplished Canadian climber with a long list of first ascents, climbs on 5 continents, and a Piolets D’or, Ian has explored and experienced mountains as in his wildest dreams. More and more with the passing of years, the friendships that were formed and the memories that were made in the mountains are more important than any summit.
In the Canadian Rockies 100 day ice seasons, an early soloed of Mount Robson’s Emperor Ridge and a series of first ascents built his repertoire, which led to trips to the greater ranges of Asia. Lately his attention has focused on the most obvious and impressive possibilities: long technical routes through massifs that involve the climber in a deeper sense of adventure. Most recently he is also enjoying growing his guide business from his hometown of Golden BC., helping others to achieve their own goals and adventures in the mountains and creating new memories and friendships of their own.
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