Posts Tagged ‘steep ice climbing’
Guest Guides Spotlight!
We are very excited to welcome two of our guest guides to Ice Fest, Marc Chauvin and Nick Aiello. Marc is an IFMGA certified guide, which the highest level of recognition in guiding and we are so psyched to have him! He is also a wilderness First Responder and AIARE Level III Avalanche Certified. Marc has…
Read more...Outdoor Research Athletes!
This morning we would like to welcome two of our talented Outdoor Research Athletes, Bayard Russell and Bryan Gilmore. It is great to have them back! Bayard loves teaching the finer points of climbing technique and tactics. He is psyched on all forms of climbing from adventuring to the most obscurest corners of the New Hampshire forest to…
Read more...Steep Ice Climbing Clinics With The Best Guides!
Need to work on your Steep Ice Climbing Technique? Great news! We have put together a series of Steep Ice Clinics with an incredible line-up of Guides. If your comfortable on Grade 3 ice, it’s time to move on to the steep stuff. Learn how to move smoothly, without getting pumped! Vertical ice takes on many…
Read more...SARAH HUENIKEN: Friday Night Guest Presenter!
We have very exciting news to share this Monday morning! Sarah Hueniken will be our featured guest presenter FRIDAY evening February 6th at Theater In The Wood! Sarah is a total crusher! From 5.13 rock climbs to WI6 and M13, nothing stops this lady! She was the first North American Woman to climb M11 and…
Read more...Steep Ice Clinics: Filling up Fast!!!
Good morning folks! Ice Fest is just around the corner, and clinics are filling up super quickly! We wanted to give you a heads up that there are only a handful of spots left in the Steep Ice Climbing Skills Clinics. If you want to learn how to move more efficiently and confidently on steep…