Still Room & Time To Sign Up For Ice Climbing Clinics!

Hey Folks! A lot of ice & mixed climbing clinics are filling up but there is still some room from beginner to advanced clinics! You can still sign up for Mixed Climbing on FRIDAY with Katie Bono and Bayard Russell! Katie Bono just came in 3rd in the Ouray Ice Park Competition and Bayard is…


Ice Fest Clinics Are Filling Up!

              Hey Folks!  Just a friendly reminder that clinics are filling and and to not wait, or you may miss out on nabbing the clinics you’re most psyched for!  Below is some beta on some awesome clinics that still have some room in them! C.A.M.P. Light & Fast Clinic…


Friday Night at Ice Fest!!

Happy New Year, Ice Festers!  May it be a year full of cold temps, fat ice, and big sends! To ring in the New Year, we’d like to make a big announcement about the Friday night show at the the 25th Annual Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest!  We will be showing the film, Mixtress, and Jesse…