Dull screws, we’ve all had them; but no more with the Petzl Lim’Ice Screw Sharpener. Sharp screws can be a game changer, just ask anyone who’s pumped out trying to place a dull screw far above their last dull screw! With this new tool, you’ll never have to worry about pumping out placing your screws again!
Petzl’s Lim’Ice
The Petzl Lim’Ice enables you to return any manufacturer’s ice screw to factory sharp specifications by sharpening both edges of the drill teeth. For the cost of one screw this tool will sharpen your entire rack many times over and to extend the life of the file, they’ve made it reversible. Sick! So don’t deal with dull screws. Go get yourself a Lim’Ice from Petzl today!