What a way to start the week! It’s an early season powder day AND we have the announcement of our first Keynote Speaker for the 2017 MWV Ice Fest – Scott Bennett! A CAMP athlete and a well-known crusher, Scott will be presenting Friday night at Theater in the Wood. His show, “Into the Karakoram”, will focus on a recent trip to Pakistan with Graham Zimmerman and Steve Swenson, where they made the first ascent of Changi Tower (6500m) and established a new route on K6 West (7000m). Wicked impressive sends!Feeling inspired by Scott and the big mountains already? Well then there is more good news for you – Scott will stick around Saturday to guide CAMP’s Light & Fast Alpinism clinic. The clinic is designed to go deep into the skills, strategies and tactics that help us distill the big mountains down to something we can climb faster and safer, ultimately allowing us to set our sights ever higher.
Ice Fest caught up with Scott recently for a quick interview about his upcoming trip to New Hampshire:
Ice Fest: Those mountains! Those routes! It all sounds so rad! What’s your favorite thing to eat when you’re climbing like that?
SB: Instant mashed potatoes, salami and cheese.
Ice Fest: Nom nom nom. More alpine climbing foodie questions – what do you dream of eating when you’re in the mountains?
SB: Thin crust pizza with fresh basil, mozzarella and prosciutto.
Ice Fest: Are you little spoon or big spoon? When you know, you’re bivying on a little cold ledge?
SB: My partner and I are the same size, so we alternate depending on who’s colder.
Ice Fest: Are you a morning or night person?
SB: Aspiring morning person… but usually stay up too late drinking whiskey…
Ice Fest: Are you a throw it all in a bin or a gear closet organizer?
SB: My gear just lives in giant duffels, always ready to travel!
Ice Fest: What’s your favorite local crag?
SB: The Diamond.
Ice Fest: What song do you sing to yourself when you’re alone at a belay up in the big mountains?
SB: No Woman No Cry (if it’s my girlfriend leading)
Ice Fest: Ha! Beer wine, or whiskey?
SB: Who’s buying? Definitely the top shelf bourbon (:
Ice Fest: We’ll let Glen from CAMP know that whiskey is #1 for ‘ya. Speaking of CAMP, what’s your favorite piece of CAMP gear?
SB: hmmm… tie between my Blade Runner crampons or X Dream tools, couldn’t live without either!
Ice Fest: Anything on your tick list to climb when you’re in NH?
SB: For sure Remission and Repentance, I’m nervous already!Be sure to link up with Scott during the MWV Ice Fest to be entertained, inspired, and to learn how to move quickly and more comfortably in the mountains!
Friday: Presenting “Into the Karakoram” at Theater in the Wood.
Saturday: Guiding CAMP’s Light & Fast Alpinism clinic.