Borne in Sheffield, England, but based on years of experience in the world’s great climbing venues, Rab began with “a deep understanding of what climbers and mountaineers need, and a commitment to practical gear that works.” Thirty-some-odd years later, and we all know what this company means to us – rugged gear that holds up to the nastiest of winter climbing conditions. It’s perfect for the White Mountains, and needless to say, we are always stoked to have these guys at Ice Fest.
Want to check out a sweet jacket for your clinic? How about the Alpha Direct? It’s Rab’s latest hot ticket item, and it’s designed to handle all the varied conditions that are encountered out there. From a sweaty slog into Huntington Ravine to a shivering belay on Mt. Willard, this jacket provides you with a perfect balance of breathability when on the move and warmth when sitting still.
The radness that is the Alpha Direct Jacket.
The Rab crew will also have a fleet of gloves and more great jackets for you to try out. Be sure to check them out!
Icefall Gauntlet Glove, Latok Glove, Alpine Glove, and Talon Glove.
Strata Hoody, Latok Alpine Jacket, and the Neutrino Endurance Jacket.