The 2011 MWV Ice Fest is super psyched to announce that Outdoor Research will be THE…..yes “THE” Headlining Sponsor! What does this mean? Well first, it means that this company really supports the spirit and camaraderie of the ice climbing community here in New England! Any company that is gun-ho about climbers and celebrating the community gets two thumbs up from us here at the MWV Ice Fest! It also means that you’ll be able to demo Outdoor Research’s gear throughout the Ice Fest and….AND they will have a special table where you will be able to buy and drill them about all their products! These guys design truly useful, functional, and tough gear for you to get after it. In addition, some of their rad athletes will be present throughout the Ice Fest- but we’ll give you those details a little further down the road. We can’t spill all the juicy details all at once! But we want to give a huge welcome and high five to Outdoor Research! We are so psyched to feature them throughout the weekend and to also have a rad company for all of YOU to come and check out!
Outdoor Research athlete Matt McCormick sending big at the Ice Fest Comp! We’re psyched to have Matt apart of this years Ice Fest again! More details to come!