Art Mooney
Good Morning Ice Festers! This morning we’d like to extend a warm welcome to our latest addition to the Guest Guide Roster, Art Mooney! Art is a really great guy who’s been at this climbing game since the late 70’s! He’s taken his talents all over the world for big rock climbs, ice climbs and ski descents. He’s associated with the following companies: Petzl, Julbo and Mammut!! Art is one of those guys who you’ll instantly like. He’s so friendly it isn’t hard to learn from him, which is why we’ve got him all three days! This year at Ice Fest, Art will be guiding the following clinics!
Friday: Newbie Ice Climbing
Saturday: Outdoor Research’s Intro to Ice Climbing for Rock Climbers
Sunday: Introduction to Ice Climbing for Rock Climbers
Sign up today! These clinics fill up fast, so you can be sure you’re in one by calling us directly at 603.356.7064 or going to our Contact Us page and filling out the pre-registration form!