Good morning Ice Fest folks! We have killer news to share that Matt Shove will be back at the 2015 Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest this year. We are so psyched, and this will be his 5th Ice Fest with us! Lucky us! Not only is Matt an all round wonderful person, he is known throughout New England as one of the best guides out there. His favorite Routes in New Hampshire:
- Black Dike, Repentance, The Penguin, Pinnacle Buttress, Pinnacle Gully, Yale Gully, Drool of the Beast, Super Goofers
Curious to know what is under his guiding belt? Well to name just a few:
- central Connecticut’s Traprock crags; the Gunks, Catskills and Adirondack Mountains in New York; New Hampshire’s Cannon Cliff, Cathedral and Whitehorse Ledges and Presidential Range; Katahdin and Acadia National Park in Maine; western North Carolina’s Looking Glass Rock; Alaska’s Wrangell-St. Elias and Chugach ranges; City of Rocks in Idaho; Kentucky’s Red River Gorge; the Needles of So. Dakota; and Wyoming’s Devil’s Tower and significant ascents in the Cascade Range and Teton Range.
Dang! Matt Shove doesn’t mess around! And to top all that off he is an ambassador to J Snare V Thread Tools and has numerous AMGA certifications. Stayed tuned, as towards the end of this week we will be honing in on all the guiding assignments! Welcome back Matt, at this point Ice Fest wouldn’t be the same without you!
Matt Shove is an ice climbing machine! Psyched to have him back!