These Outdoor Research ambassadors work and play here in the Mount Washington Valley. Treasure troves of local beta, count yourself lucky if you get to climb with one of these crushers!
Bayard Russell on Remission Direct
Alexa Siegel
Alexa first discovered climbing at the Boston Rock Gym in February of 2003. The gym was completely empty due to a winter storm warning, but her dad took her anyway. She dabbled in competition climbing, but soon found her fit on the granite cliffs of New Hampshire. Alexa loves all forms of climbing, from sport to ice and mixed climbing. She has traveled all over the United States and abroad to pursue the sport, but she is happy to call New Hampshire home and climbs here year round. She is an AMGA Certified Single Pitch Instructor, Apprentice Rock Guide, AIARE Level 2, a member of Mountain Rescue Service, and Registered Nurse.
Peter Doucette on Slim Chance
Peter’s pursuits of adventure farther afield have led to first ascents in the Alaska Range, the Sichuan Province of China, and Namibia. At home in the Northeast, he credits a great community of talented friends who make the local climbing experiences rewarding and great training for the ranges of the world. Peter maintains a constant schedule of climbing, skiing, and guiding—which means there’s no off-season. Peter is an IFMGA guide, and member of Mountain Rescue Service.